Introducing NSIS

The Network of Strategic and International Studies – NSIS - is a non-profit association, created in 2012. NSIS has in its origin the work developed by a group of researchers who are dedicated to the analysis of various topics in the general framework of international relations.

We are a non-governmental organization, with a team of researchers.

The non-profit association was created in 2012 and its general objective is to promote the study of strategic problems and all issues relating to international relations - in their political, military, economic, social, cultural and information implications -, namely those related to the problems of peace, development and human rights, contributing to the production, transmission and transfer of scientific and technical knowledge that provides economic, social and cultural value to society.


Each member of our research team, are people who have made a significant contribution to the improvement of our society. All of them carry a unique set of skills, knowledge and experiences, which makes our organization an internationally recognized institution

Miguel Santos Neves

Miguel Santos Neves holds a PhD from the London School of Economics and Political Science in the fields of International Relations / International Law and MPhil in Development Economics from the Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex. Professor at the Autonomous University of Lisbon in the departments of Law and International Relations responsible for coordinating units on Human Rights, International Law and Security Policies. Senior Researcher having served in recent years as Director of the Asia and Migration Programs of the Institute for Strategic and International Studies with responsibilities for scientific coordination of the POAT-FSE project on Trafficking in Human Beings - Social Inclusion and Victim Enhancement (2010-2013) and others in the areas of Migration and Globalization - the role of Diasporas with the study of the Chinese business community in Portugal. Member of several international research networks on Asia and EU-Asia relations (EU-ASEAN 3; MedAsia; ECAN) has collaborated with ASEF on different initiatives and is part of the scientific council of the Asia Europe Journal. He is the author of several publications, books, book chapters in international collective works and several articles in international and national magazines.

Cláudia Pedra

Cláudia Pedra is a specialist in human rights and migration. With a degree in international relations and a master's in strategy, she was a consultant to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, a Researcher for Asia and on Trafficking in Persons at the Institute for Strategic and International Studies (where she was Executive Coordinator of the POAT-FSE on Trafficking project. of Human Beings - Social Inclusion and Victim Enhancement, 2010-2013), Researcher and Project Manager at the International Organization for Migration and Executive Director of Amnesty International Portugal, from 2002 to 2008. She is currently Technical Coordinator of the Social Stock Exchange, Managing Partner of Stone Soup Consulting, researcher and teacher. She is also the Scientific Coordinator of the Postgraduate Course in Strategic Management of Third Sector Organizations at Instituto Superior de Gestão. He has been working in the field of human rights for more than 20 years on issues such as discrimination, human rights education and the universality of human rights. She has published more than 50 articles on Human Rights, international relations and management of Third Sector Organizations and has participated as an author in several books.

Fernando Jorge Cardoso

Fernando Jorge Cardoso is a specialist in African studies and development, and is currently responsible for the strategic studies and development area of the Marquês de Valle Flôr Institute. He holds a PhD with a degree in Economics from the Higher Institute of Economics and Management of the Technical University of Lisbon. He developed professional activities in Mozambique and Portugal in the academic, consulting and management fields of companies and institutions, having conceived and directed 20 research and development projects. He is the author or co-author of a dozen autonomous books and publications, of around fifty articles in book and magazine chapters and of a hundred communications on African, development and international relations issues.

Maria João Seabra

Maria João Seabra is a specialist in European affairs. Over the past 20 years, he conceived and directed research projects in areas such as the institutional and political development of the European Union, the EU's foreign and security policy, the relations between Europe and Latin America and the Portuguese-Spanish relations. She has also developed projects aimed at young people, on European and Education for Development themes. She is the author and editor of books and articles published in magazines. With a degree in Sociology, she is preparing her PhD in Public Policy.

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